gut bacteria microbiome

Your Guide to Buying Probiotics Online

With the novel coronavirus in full swing, many folks are trying to boost their immune system through lifestyle changes, eating whole foods and taking probiotics. Regarding probiotics, it is important to understand what they are and how to make informed decisions on obtaining high quality formulas. All of the probiotics I mention in this article can be purchased online so you don’t have to venture out to the grocery store.

Over two-thirds of the immune system lives in the gastrointestinal tract or gut. The gut is where we house billions of bacteria (microbiome). This microbiome provides many benefits to us, including stimulating the immune system, breaking down potentially toxic food compounds and synthesizing certain vitamins. If the amount of beneficial (good) bacteria in the body are high and your immune system stays strong, then populations of potentially harmful bacteria can typically be kept under control.

The health of your gut determines what nutrients you absorb and what toxins, allergens and microbes are kept out. Gut health is directly linked to the health of your whole body.However, typical American modern diet and lifestyle can kill off beneficial bacteria to the point that harmful bacteria flourish and wreak all sorts of havoc on the body…including compromising our immune system.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial in helping keep our gut healthy. They work by replacing those good bacteria (flora) that we lose through taking antibiotics or lose naturally as bacteria are transient in our gut (so we need to replace them regularly).  Their use helps keep more good bacteria than bad bacteria in our gut and we need this balance to keep us healthy.

Some foods contain probiotics so you can get live cultures by eating them. These foods include,

yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, miso, natto, sauerkraut and tempeh. If you don’t consume these foods regularly, then you may want to consider supplementing with probiotics.

Where can you find probiotics online and what are the better ones to buy?

There are many different brands or probiotics available with different bacterial strains. Acidophilus is perhaps the most popular strain. However, most people get the best benefit from a probiotic that includes multiple strains (types) and a large number of bacteria (measured in billions of CFUs). Some clients thrive on 8-10B/day while others find they need much more – 50B or even more then 400B CFUs/day. If you struggle with regularly loose stools, look for one that includes Saccharomyces Boulardii or Lactobacillus Plantarum. For constipation, look for a brand with at least 50% Bifidobacterium species. Be sure to start with a relatively low daily dose (<10B) and allow your body time to adjust (~2 weeks) before increasing. Short-term bloating and gas increases are normal as the body adjusts to the extra support. Don’t look for the cheapest brand! You want to purchase high quality brands that will provide the most benefit for gut health and your immune system.

My favorite probiotic brands are:

Ultimate Flora (,

Metagenics (,

Jarrow (,

Udo’s (,

Garden of Life (, and

Klaire Labs (

Cheers to you for providing your gut and immune system a little support during this pandemic.