Girl jumping in the air because she has a lot of energy Durham

Five Simple Ways to Increase Your Energy Naturally!

Eat foods that provide energy

Eat foods with a low glycemic index like whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, nuts, healthy proteins and unsaturated oils such as olive oil. These foods release sugar slowly when digested and might help you avoid the energy slump that foods high in sugar give you.

Manage your stress

A stressed body consumes a lot of energy. Finding constructive ways to release that energy can help keep your body more calm. Some ways to let go of stress include talking with a friend or relative, practicing meditation, yoga, spa activities or walking.


Exercise causes your body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones, in moderate amounts, can boost your energy. Exercise can be as simple as a fast walk through your neighborhood.

Drink water

Staying hydrated is extremely important for brain function. During the day your body loses water through urine and sweat. To stay hydrated make sure you drink water throughout the day. Even mild dehydration can lead to feeling fatigued so be conscious of activities that increase sweat production (hot day or exercise) so you can compensate accordingly. The recommended daily intake of water is 64 fluid ounces/day.

Caffeine and alcohol

If you’re one of the many Americans that relies on the energizing effects of caffeine, try and avoid consumption of large quantities after 2 pm as it can interfere with sleep. Although alcohol can bring on drowsiness, it can interfere with quality of sleep. If you drink alcohol regularly, eliminating it may increase your energy levels.