Two girls eating at a holiday party Durham

Easy Ways to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Want to avoid the five-pound gain people can put on over the holidays? Are you worried about how you can avoid overindulging, but still enjoy time at your holiday party or family event?

  1. Don’t go to a holiday event hungry. You’ve heard the saying—don’t go grocery shopping hungry if you don’t want to overspend. Well, the same applies here—don’t go to a holiday party hungry if you’re worried about overindulging. Eating a small, nutritious meal prior to attending a holiday event can lessen hunger while allowing for a small, sensible treat later.
  2. Start with healthier options. Holiday foods tend to be richer and heavier than the average meal, which can lead to more calorie consumption. When you get to your holiday event, avoid those types of foods and instead gravitate towards broth-based soup, salad (without creamy dressing), and sliced veggies (with little dipping sauce). If you want to ensure there will be some healthy food items, then offer to bring a dish so you’re guaranteed to have at least one healthy option.
  3. Hydrate. If you’re busy around the holidays it can be easy to forget to drink water. But, drinking water is not only important for proper food digestion, it can also lessen your appetite. Eating vegetables, which have a high water content, can also help with water intake.
  4. Drink smarter. It is hard to cut out alcohol during the holiday season especially at parties. Not all alcoholic drinks are equal which is why you should avoid sugary mixers and instead drink neat (on the rocks) cocktails or a drink that is mixed with soda water. Use lemon or lime wedges to add flavor without adding calories. Drink water between alcoholic drinks. This will help slow down your drinking and keep you hydrated. And no one has to know that it’s water so it will help stave off the peer pressure to consume more alcohol.
  5. Practice moderation. It is the holiday season and partaking in one or two of your favorite holiday foods is okay, just be smart about it. Be mindful of what and how much you’re eating and practice moderation. If you restrict yourself too much on what food you eat, you’re more likely to not enjoy the company of others and experience a binge later on.