Showing 25 Result(s)
Man with his hands on his stomach because he has indigestion has indigestion and problems with gut health

Four Simple Tips to Improve Gut Health

I was one of three children and, in my family, when it came to meals you ate quickly so you didn’t go without. This is not the best strategy if you want to adequately digest your food and avoid indigestion. Research shows that good eating hygiene can help alleviate gas, bloating, distention, belching, and mild …

Girl on a swing with a waterfall located behind her to illustrate the balance of hormones in the human body

Three Easy and Proven Ways You Can Improve Hormone Balance

When your sex hormones are balanced you feel wonderful—you have energy, enjoy recuperative sleep, and keep weight off. Conversely, the symptoms of hormone imbalance are usually pronounced, unpleasant, and can be all consuming. These symptoms are the body’s way of saying—hello, something is off here! One of the most common hormone imbalances among women in …

Article that outlines the specific ways that Conventional and Functional Medicine approaches differ

Conventional and Functional Medicine–which one is best for you?

Both functional and conventional medicine are practiced by licensed medical professionals; both are evidence-based, employ advanced diagnostic tests, and use prescription medications. Functional Medicine is a science-based approach that addresses the whole person, not just a suite of symptoms. This type of medicine aims to find and tackle the underlying causes of complex, chronic illness …

Field in Nicoya, Costa Rica which is located in a Blue Zone which is known for human longevity area

Blue Zones—Live Better and Longer

I fell in love with the small town of Nosara during a recent visit to Costa Rica. The delicious freshly-prepared vegan food, beautiful beaches, yoga studios, and friendly people immediately made me want this to be my new home. My husband felt the same way and we talked about possibly living here someday. Nosara has …

Two people dancing and smiling showing a warm connection with one another

Tweek your life–increase your energy!

Ever feel that your lifestyle is draining your energy? Relationships that have gotten stale and no longer serve you, no time for yourself, or feel disconnected from the rest of the world? The good news is that making small changes to your life can result in improved energy. Start by examining your relationships, career, physical …

Woman holding out waist of jeans to show her belly and weight loss through health coaching

“Smarten” your Wellness Journey—Hire a Health Coach

If you’ve been struggling with your weight and feeling discouraged or frustrated, it may be time to hire a health coach.   As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I am trained in over 100 dietary theories and the relationship between food and the other parts of your life. I help you identify the areas you …

Male with hands covering his face because he is stressed out

Are you Stressed? Join the Club.

Who isn’t under some stress these days? Picking up kids from school, coordinating after school events, work, trying to get a decent meal on the table, paying bills—so many things to juggle. Some stress is good for you as it helps with mental clarity, drive to accomplish things, and a heightened awareness of your surroundings. …