Showing 38 Result(s)

Why I Broke Up with Gluten

What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in many grains such as wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, rye and barley. Gluten is what gives bread its airy and fluffy texture and dough its sticky texture. Because most of our historical association with gluten “sensitivity” is celiac disease (with its typical severe diarrhea and malabsorption symptoms), many …

woman holding her chest and suffering from acid reflux

Seven Easy Ways to Resolve Acid Reflux Naturally

In the center of your chest, there is a small, muscular tunnel that separates the end of your esophagus from your stomach. It’s a muscle called your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When you’re eating, this muscle should be relaxed and open so that food can travel to your stomach. But at all other times (unless …

high immunity

Fix your gut — strengthen you immunity

With the onset of COVID-19, some people are trying to boost their immune system and one way they are doing that is by focusing on gut health. How is gut health and immunity related? Well, approximately 70 percent of our immune cells are located within the walls of our gastrointestinal tract (gut). Beneficial or good …

Young woman blowing her nose while sitting on floor

Quercetin—a Natural Solution to Seasonal Allergies

Thanks to the seasonal change, we are once again entering another allergy season. Like many, you may suffer from seasonal sneezing, nasal congestion, sinus headache, weepy eyes, or post-nasal drip. Our immune system can react with alarm to the protein contained in pollen and develop antibodies to these “foreign invaders.” Exposure to them then causes your mast …

gut bacteria microbiome

Your Guide to Buying Probiotics Online

With the novel coronavirus in full swing, many folks are trying to boost their immune system through lifestyle changes, eating whole foods and taking probiotics. Regarding probiotics, it is important to understand what they are and how to make informed decisions on obtaining high quality formulas. All of the probiotics I mention in this article …

excess stomach acid hypochlorhydria

Is Your Body Suffering from Low Stomach Acid?

We need strong stomach acid, hydrochloric acid (HCl), for optimal digestion. Stomach acid helps with protein breakdown, aids in mineral (e.g., iron, magnesium, chromium, selenium) and Vitamin B12 absorption, and serves as a barrier protecting against various microorganisms that might otherwise colonize the gastrointestinal tract. Strong stomach acid also signals the release of pancreatic and …